Owner’s Guide to Enjoying Every Single Step of Your Life !

Home plate at Nickelodeon Universe

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Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t enjoy each and every step of your life.   I have embarked on an experiment the past few weeks that is showing me that you can enjoy every minute of your life, no matter what you are doing.  The best part is it’s easy, you just have to make up your mind that you are going to enjoy everything.   I always wanted to write something where I could use the term “Pollyanna ‘,   as in most people who are reading this are saying, oh no, Tim has gone “Pollyanna” on us.  I probably didn’t use that right but it was fun and most importantly you would never believe how much I just enjoyed that.  If you are new to my blog, you should know that after 27 years of creating a perfect life for myself and my family, I messed up the last three years and let the folks from the Dark Side convince me that I shouldn’t be happy and that I couldn’t really be as successful as I always had been.  This weak moment, ended up being devastating between a business failure and losing my home of 25 years to Foreclosure.  When I finally woke up from the nightmare, I decided to employ all the tactics and strategies I had used the previous 27 years, except this time around, I am super charging them.   

The first serious test came last week when I needed a miracle to save a property I own from foreclosure, I focused and made up my mind it was going to work out and it did (read my miracle blogs from last week for the details).  The strategies and tactics I am referring to are all the lessons I have learned from the Bible, Wayne Dyer, Terry Lyles, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins,  Joe Vitale, Mike Dooley, Peter Geisendorfer-Lindgren, My all time favorite coach Ted Leuer, Pinky McNamara, My Grandmother and my Mom.  I don’t have the time or space to tell you what they taught me, but I have tried to share a piece from every one of them in my blogs the last couple months. 

The Experiment…So a lot of people think I am nuts and think that I taking on way more than anyone can handle but before I go into the detail, let me just say I don’t think I have ever been this energized in my life.   My massive action to fix my life and correct the problems of the last three years includes taking on 3 full-time jobs, working 7 days a week while continuing to write my blogs, film my video blog, record my audio programs and work on my long-term life creation plan.   As I said, I am energized and enjoying every single minute, I have looked at each full-time position as an adventure, not as job but truly an adventure and it’s working.  Let me give you an idea, first if you don’t know much about me I am a lifelong salesperson and entrepreneur, I have made over a million dollars a year more than once in my lifetime, I have started at least 10 companies, I have been a radio broadcaster, a baseball coach, a father, a husband, a son, a public speaker and more.   The background is important for you to know because I think once you find out about my 3 full-time adventures, you might think I am over qualified or taking on something that should be below me.  So here we go,  each night from 10 pm to 6 am, I am the night manager at a convenience store that is owned by a great company that has over 400 stores or as they like to call them “Stationstores”,  My kids can’t figure out why I enjoy it so much, but the reason I enjoy it so much is it’s an adventure, I am learning, I am meeting new people, I am helping people,  people are handing me money all night,  I learned how to operate a car wash, stock soft drinks in a cooler, run one of those cool safes and I even get to sell Lottery tickets.  Not once have I asked myself what am I doing here, not once have I worried about what they are paying me.  I know it’s strange but I made up my mind to enjoy everything I do and the gas station is no exception.  I truly am enjoying every step and every task at my night-time adventure. 

In the late afternoon and evening I am selling a great new high-speed internet service and I get to work at the largest mall in America, The Mall of America.  We have really cool products, cool uniforms and I get to help people connect to the internet no matter where they are at high-speed.  This company is new to Minnesota and relatively new Nationwide so it’s like the good old days of working with a start-up with the latest and greatest technology. 

My other position is selling what I did for over 27 years, media replication services, and while things have changed dramatically and the business hasn’t come in as quickly as I hoped, now that I have a new attitude and approach I know this business is going to take off as I venture into areas I hadn’t previously pursued. 

Side effects…So I bet you are thinking that this guy must be tired and he can’t be enjoying anything else, guess what you are 100% wrong.  Again, I can’t explain it, but it’s as if the whole word switched over to High Definition, 3D when I made up my mind to enjoy everything.  I have lived in Minnesota most of my 51 years but all of sudden, I am seeing beauty along every road with the changing colors and landscape, I am discovering buildings and places in Downtown Minneapolis that I had either forgotten about or had never appreciated in the past.   There is a very old Catholic Church a few blocks from me that was built in the mid-1800’s by German settlers that I am just amazed at every time I drive by it.  I never really paid attention to Church buildings before but all of a sudden I am intrigued by everyone I see. 

And it’s not just landscape and buildings that I am enjoying, I am truly enjoying meeting new people and dining with old friends.   I know this sounds unbelievable but some how I have managed to get  myself in the “Zone”,  every experience, every phone call, every meal seems much more intense and enjoyable.  I am no longer going through the motions of life, I am enjoying every single step.  I am enjoying things so much that I don’t even think about sleeping and I can’t even tell you the last time I was tired.  OK, there was something I didn’t enjoy last week, the Sequel to Wall Street, it did put me to sleep, but it was the most enjoyable nap I ever had and I got to do it in a very nice theater and the bonus was my son took me to the movie. 

Yep, this time it was all about me, but I talked about me and my amazing life because you should be enjoying your life as much as I am enjoying mine.  I can’t imagine doing it any other way.  One of the things I am enjoying more than just about anything is my daily emails from the Universe (www.tut.com) .  Here’s what the Universe sent me this morning:

  Tim, do you know why I am always there?

Because I want you to have all of those things you’ve told me about, and so much more.Let’s kick some “butt,”
    The Universe


Which reminded me that I am probably having such a great time and enjoying things so much, because I finally have accepted who walks beside me in everything I do.  If you knew who walked beside you in everything you do, I know you would feel the same way.   Enough of Tim’s blabbing, go out and enjoy yourself, you deserve it !!!

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