Posts Tagged ‘Arts’

Love Train

All you need is LOVE

Image by Orangeadnan via Flickr

The Beatles had it right…”All you need is Love” !  I will admit that I didn’t know what this meant back in the 60’s when I was in grade school but I finally understand that “Love” really is all you need to accomplish anything you want in your life.  1967 was the famous Summer of Love and I was definitely in love, with a 1967 Red Mustang , to this day that is my dream car and was the first time I “loved something”.  Love was always a difficult word to define, understand, experience or use but over time I finally get it.

Love isn’t something that just happens, I don’t think love is something that happens to you, I believe Love is something you create.  Love is a choice, it is a decision you make in your life but once you understand it’s power and use it the right way it can deliver anything and everything you could ever imagine.  One thing I still don’t quite understand is accepting Love from others.  It is one thing to Love someone or something or some activity it is another thing to feel the Love someone else.  I am not sure I can define or describe that kind of Love, I am not saying that people like my family don’t Love me, but I am not sure feeling the Love of someone else for you is the same as Loving that person and giving them your Love.  You see Love isn’t about being loved, it is about Loving someone or something.

Let me explain where I am going with this and why I feel like I finally “Get it”.   I have embarked on a new career in a field I absolutely, positively Love.  My new career is selling Cinema Ads, the kind that run on the screen before the main movie starts.  My job involves going door to door, cold calling on businesses of all sizes most of which have “No Solicitors” signs posted on their doors.  There was a time in my life that this would have scared the hell out of me and I can honestly say it would still scare the hell out of me if I didn’t Love my product, Love my company and Love my prospects, yes I said Love my prospects !.   I have spent the last few weeks knocking on at least 20 doors a day and with only a couple of exceptions, everyone has greeted me kindly and only once was I told I should have read the sign on the door about soliciting.  I truly believe that since I have come to understand the true meaning of Love, it has served me well.  I know that if I didn’t go into each business I call on thinking I was going to Love the people and Love handling their advertising, I wouldn’t have been greeted so kindly.  I also know that Loving my job, every part of my job, makes everything go better, I know that without this Love for my career, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am sitting in this hotel by myself tonight.

Love can serve you in many ways.  One of the things I am working very hard on is using Love in every portion of my life no matter what the situation is.  When my son or daughter call me  in the middle of an important meeting with an urgent message which turns out to be they need money to buy gas to go some place fun, I pause and think what Love means in this situation, does it mean be kind or get angry for the interruption ?  it always, means to be kind.  To me that is the definition of “tough love“, deciding to be kind when it is really tough to be kind.  When I am in a tough situation and trying to negotiate with a mortgage company, a creditor or anyone that isn’t exactly trying to be your friend, I have recently taken the approach that I am going to send my Love to the person I am talking to and my experience so far is that without fail, the Love comes back to you in the form of the result you had hoped for.

April 26th, 1980 was an incredible day, that was the day I married Suanne Fodstad but it was also the day I really listened and took to heart 1 Corinthians 13 from the Bible.  This passage is in my opinion the best definition of Love there ever was and as I have re-read it the past couple of days, it is truly amazing to me how it applies to everything I have been doing to turn my life around and get back on track.  If you have never read this passage or have forgotten what it says it is worth re-printing here for your review:

1 Corinthians 13

1 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Faith, Hope and Love….. there it is.  Can you see what I mean about how this can apply to every area of your life.  Just in the way you do business or deal with others, if you do it with Love you cannot fail.  A dear friend of mine from High School sent me a great power point presentation today called “Life on a Train’, I don’t think she had any idea how much I love trains, and love riding them but this presentation she sent me compared Life to a long train ride and it was so right on, it was just another one of those moments where the light clicked again and everything in my life has started to make sense.  That power point presentation got me thinking about Love and what it has meant to me recently as I have tried to apply it to everything I do.  Then that mental Juke Box of mine picked up Love message and combined it with the train analogy from the power point and wouldn’t you know it, it flipped on the turntable in my head and started playing the O’Jay’s classic  “Love Train”  which led to me writing about Love today.   So let me leave you with the words of the O’Jay’s  Start a Love Train  and Please don’t miss this train at the station, because if you do, I feel sorry, sorry you. Join hands Start a Love Train, Love Train….it is all you will ever need to get everything you want in life…..I love you !

Creating Your Own Reality

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, one o...

Image via Wikipedia

It used to bother me when people would say things like “Tim is in a world all to himself” or “Tim lives in a fantasy world” or “He’s always so lucky, but some day his luck will change”.   Up until the point those comments started bothering me, I really did live in a fantasy world and in my fantasy world every fantasy I dreamed came true starting in High School.  You see everything in my life was created in a thought or a dream so when I had great thoughts and great dreams that is exactly what my world was made of, when I started listening to people make comments like I mentioned earlier, I started thinking that maybe they were right, the minute I started thinking that way, I got exactly what I was thinking of.

I have spent alot of time analyzing my 51 years of life here on Planet Earth, especially with the trials and tribulations of the past three years.  I had to find out why 48 years were about as perfect as a life could be and then the last 3 years were as ugly as life could be.  I say ugly only because they were so dramatically different then the first 48, while it wasn’t great it was a lesson I needed to remind me about how powerful our thoughts are and why it is so important to create your life as you want it and not by what others may think is right for you.

So let me tell you about the reality I created the last 51 years, including the last three which were also my creation.  Growing up in Crystal, Minnesota I was always fascinated with all the things you could do in life, I wanted to experience everything.  In the fourth grade our class took a field trip to the North Hennepin Post Newspaper, I thought the News paper business was really cool after that visit, so I went home and started my own neighborhood newspaper.  The first paper I created was on a manual typewriter with 5 pages of carbon paper(for those who don’t remember, carbon paper was something you could put between two pages of paper and make a copy of the first by either pressing hard with a pen or typing), because I was trying to make so many copies, my fingers got very sore from trying to slam down the keys so it would go through all 5 copies.   Later, I graduated to a printing press that I found in the Montgomery Ward catalog.  I remember sitting in front of the TV with a TV tray watching the Batman TV show and setting type letter by letter in my little printing press.  It was a fun little operation and I had several subscribers both in the neighborhood and at school who were willing to pay 5 cents a copy.

My next dream come true was when I decided after spending time growing up at the Terrace Theater in Robbinsdale it was time to open my own theater.  I loved the theater business from time my mother started working at the Terrace when I was 2 years old.  I was at the Terrace alot and took my time to learn how they did everything including getting to spend time with the Union Projectionist in the projection booth learning how to run the projectors.  So in the 5th grade, I opened the Hollywood Chief Theater in my basement showing silent films I took out at the public library on my Super 8 projector.  This venture was so succesful that I opened a second theater in my backyard, called the “Bike-In” theater which was created by stringing a large white sheet between two trees and pointing the projector out the back window of our house. 

Moving on to 6th grade, I decided that it was time to get with the latest technology after seeing my favorite disc jockey from my favorite radio station at the State Fair broadcasting live.  You guessed it, I signed on my own radio station WTIM using at first a CB radio and broadcasting the latest top 40 hits so all the kids in the neighborhood could hear them on their walkie talkies.  Later that same year, I found a kit at an electronics store called Lafayette Electronics for an AM Transmitter so I could broadcast on real radio.  The kit was very specific that your antenna should not exceed the 12 inches of wire that came with the kit, well I would have no part of that because I needed the whole neighborhood to hear me so I strung a 50 ft antenna from my house to the highest point I could climb to in one of the trees in our backyard.  I guess this radio empire was the beginning of my mini-media empire, because the next thing I did was buy an FM transmitting microphone from Radio Shack, now I was big time, AM and FM.  But that was just the start, 8-track tape players were all the rage and I was fortunate enough to get an 8-track tape recorder for Christmas that year which led the way for me to open up yet another business I called Sound Dynamics.  Today that business would be highly illegal and would be called Tim’s Pirate music company, I had no idea that I was pirating music by buying a vinyl album, recording it to 8 track and then selling to my friends.  I did quite well with this business adding cassette tapes to my 8 tracks.  So by the time I had graduated 6th grade I was operating 2 radio stations, 2 movie theaters and a record company.

I went to Hosterman Junior High in New Hope Minnesota for my next three years of school.  Alpine skiing was huge back in the 70’s and I loved watching the Olympics and the coverage of skiing including the local ski show hosted by local weatherman Barry Zevan.  I went skiing for my first time in 7th grade and by the end of the first day, I was skiing about as good as most of the people on the hill at Snowcrest ski area in Somerset, Wisconsin.  My dream was to become a ski racer and have all the girls admire me especially petite blondes which I decided was what would be the perfect fit for me.  At that time, Cooper High School had a ski racing team , the High School was for grades 10 to 12 while the junior high was 7 to 9.  I  heard that you could be on the High School ski team if you were good enough in 9th grade so I convinced my friend Steve Banker to try out for the team with me.  Steve and I had skied together quite a bit with the boy scouts, so what the heck, I thought we should give it a try.  And just as I had dreamed it, Steve and I made the ski team as 9th graders and by the time we were in 10th grade we were co-captains of the Cooper High School ski team.  Now you tell me that you can’t create exactly what you want.  I went from never having skied to the captain of the High School team, my first year in High School, pretty powerful life creating powers I had and you have as well.

While I loved sports, the media bug was still in my system so I started a film company to make ski movies.  I learned to ski backwards so I could ski down and look up the hill to film my friends.  I learned how to edit film, sync sound from a cassette recorder and eventually made 3 feature length Super 8 films with sound.  My friends hated my new film company because we would take a trip to Montana or Colorado to ski and I would spend half the time making them film me or letting me film them crashing off jumps and cliffs.  It was quite the deal for a junior high kid and it was exactly as I dreamed it would be.

Once I made it to Cooper High School my thoughts turned to having the greatest High School experience ever.  My favorite TV show was always “Leave it to Beaver” and I always wanted to be just like Wally, so while I continued to ski race, my real passion was Baseball, Blondes and good grades while having the greatest high school experience ever.  I had always loved baseball but was never able to keep up with the star athletes from my junior high days but after buying a book called “Show the Coach” and attending a summer of Baseball Camp, I was the starting 3rd baseman for the Cooper High Junior Varsity team and wouldn’t you know it just as I had dreamed not only was I the starting 3rd baseman but I had the perfect coach in Ted Leuer, who recognized how much attention I paid to playing the game right.  For the next 3 years in high school and 1 year of college I played and enjoyed baseball more than I had ever dreamed of.  But the point is I dreamed it and knew it would happen exactly the way I wanted it to happen and it did.

As for the Blonde, my bride of 30 years plus walked into the Terrace Theater in the Summer of 1974 and I saw the vision of the woman I had always dreamed of.  It took me almost a year to convince her to go out with me but just as I had dreamed and thought about constantly, we went out for 5 years and got married and moved to South Dakota where I had the job I had been dreaming of, I was morning disc jockey and Basketball Color announcer for the radio station.  I was living the dream and things only got better.   I dreamed of waiting about 8 years to have kids and knew that I wanted 1 son and 1 daughter which is exactly what we ended up with.   I won’t bore you with all the details but for the next 20 years, I got the houses I dreamed of, the cars I dreamed, travelled all over the world to every place I ever wanted to go, built multiple companies that I had dreamed of.  I even played a half season of 40 plus baseball.  During those amazing 48 years, I can’t tell you how many times things would happen exactly as I had dreamed they would or thought they would.

So what about the last three years ?  Well, I dreamed about those as well.  Unfortunately, I forgot how powerful my dreams and thoughts were.  I can tell you when it all started, I had paid off everything, I had zero debt, I had a ton of money in the bank, things were going incredible.  I can actually remember the exact moment that my thoughts changed to thoughts of what has happened the last three years.   I was on a Northwest Airlines flight flying from Minneapolis to San Francisco, sitting in First Class enjoying my status and thinking about how fortunate I was to have had all my dreams come true, then a thought popped into my head, a thought like I had never had in my whole life, “What if I lost it all ?” started going through my mind, which was something I never, ever would have even considered.  Things got weird after that thought popped into my mind, about an hour out of San Francisco, the Captain came on the PA system to tell us that the plane had hydraulic problems and we were going to have to make an emergency landing.  The minute I heard that, the thoughts of doom and disaster just got worse.  We dumped fuel and as we landed in San Francisco, fire trucks raced down the runway beside us.  The Captain had done an incredible job of landing the plane and nothing serious happened to anyone but my thoughts of loss grew stronger each day after that event.   As time went on, I noticed I had started to worry about crazy things like the election between Bush and Gore, my thoughts of impending disaster continued to grow leading up to the morning of September 11, 2001 as I sit in my home gym riding my Lifecycle watching Good Morning America as I saw the second plane, crash live on TV into the World Trade Center everything changed and for some reason from that day forward I was never able to get 100% back in the groove.   I had thoughts of my business failing, of losing my home ,of losing my cars and losing everything I had worked for my entire life.  It was at this time that I should have thrown myself into the good stuff like I have for the past 6 months.  I had created my own reality and what I had worried about starting in 2001 came to pass in 2009.  Talk about a wake up call !   Thoughts really do become things and that is why it is so important to choose them carefully.

Today,  I am seeing signs of the thoughts I had six months ago coming true, I dreamed of the perfect opportunities coming my way and sure enough they are, on a daily basis.  But the most important thing I have learned through all of this is that we really do create everything that happens in our lives.  It is easy to create exactly the life you want and it is just as easy to create exactly the life you don’t want.  It’s your choice, choose the good stuff or worry about the bad stuff.  I can tell you I am done with the bad stuff and totally focused on the good stuff including getting in the best physical shape of my life.  It’s kind of funny on this physical shape thing because, I have watched what I have eaten in the past in many attempts to lose some weight but for some reason over the past 9 years it never worked well.  Now that I am back in the “Groove”,  40 pounds has effortlessly dropped from my body primarily because I knew it would and visualized myself being in the best shape of my life for the 35th Class reunion of Cooper High School Class of 1977.  I will have a lot more to report on creating the life I have always wanted to live and boy do I intend to live, for at least another 70 years !  I hope you will consider my story and take some time to thing about the life you want for yourself, think about the good stuff and don’t ever, ever worry about anything bad.  Speaking of the Cooper High School Class of 1977, it was the greatest group of people I have ever met, and I spent most of my life telling the world about these special people.  I know many of them, maybe without knowing it have created exactly the lives they have wanted.  A few worried about things they shouldn’t have and have had to deal with the reality that brought them but I hope they have found what I have in the power of creating your own reality through visualizing the good stuff.  Thanks for spending a few minutes with me, you know I have been thinking of you.

If You Are Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands !

Illustration depicting thought.

Image via Wikipedia

Just thinking about all those happy songs we learned as kids put a big smile on my face.  One of those songs stuck out because it included the name of my Blog “You know it”.   If you aren’t happy you will get happy fast singing that song and clapping your hands, whether it brings back memories or just makes you feel silly for singing and clapping you can’t help but put a smile on your face when you sing it and clap.   Being happy and  knowing it isn’t something that just happens,  you have to intend to be happy and know your happy (and then clap your hands).  Where the heck am I going with this ?  When the song popped into my head, it just made sense to use it as the title for today’s post and it was fitting because it is what I am all about, being happy and knowing it.

I started down my path of reclaiming the old Tim Braun sometime in late July, instead of focusing on all the bad stuff that had happened the past two years, I made up my mind to focus only on what I wanted to happen and what I wanted to attract to my life.  I cut out all the negative including news and talk programs on radio and tv and even the newspaper.  I excused myself  from conversations with people that slipped into discussion of negative events or thoughts and I totally focused on everything good.  Today, I had a few minutes to reflect on all the good stuff that has come my way since I changed my thinking in late July and I am happy to report that “Thoughts really do become Things”.  I attracted two full time adventures (some might call them jobs), while those two adventures take up 16 hours a day, I really enjoy both of them and this week, on the same exact day, I not only got promoted but got significant raises after less than a month on the job at both places.  If that wasn’t enough, I got an email out of the blue for another incredible opportunity that just happens to involve my favorite sport  “Baseball” and a huge name in the game.  The timing on this last opportunity was unbelievable and no one can tell me any of the events of the past couple months are just a coincidence, there is a direct connection between my thoughts and what has shown up in my life.   It is exactly the way things always used to work for me.    And there’s even more,  if you followed my blogs on the miracle I needed, that showed up just a couple days later, you know it involved foreclosures and a certain high profile mortgage company.  Now I am not paying attention to the news, but my wife informed me today that not only is the Minnesota Attorney General investigating this company’s practices but all 50 states have now opened an investigation into this company and others.  Truly amazing things are happening and it is all a direct result of changing my mindset to know these things were going to happen for me.

I know this can work for you too !  After 51 years of experience, I not only want to create the life I had dreamed of but I want to help others to do  the same.  There is nothing I enjoy more than getting people fired up and believing in themselves and knowing they can create the life they want.  I think that is probably the main reason I am enjoying my little adventures so much,  whether I am interacting with customers at the gas station in the middle of the night or talking to young sales people at the mall kiosk early in the morning, it is always fun to see the transformation in people when I share my secrets with them.

Sleep ?  who needs sleep ?  The number one question I get these days is ” When do you sleep ?” and that is usually followed by “How can you always be so happy and energized working all those hours ?”  Well first of all, I don’t really get tired and secondly, I am not working, I am on an adventure and adventures get me excited and energized.   To be honest, I might get a little sleepy from time to time, but everything that is happening is exactly as I dreamed it over the past few months and in my dreams I was never tired.  When you are happy and energized you can do amazing things.  Are you happy right now ?  Why not ?  did you try clapping your hands ?  Come on…you are happy and you know it !

I do need to spend a little more time writing my blog as I miss writing daily and the power that comes from writing is hard to do without.   What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail ?  Anything is possible and after reminding myself of the power I had for years and that it really does work, I intend to ramp things up and continue to share the progress, not just on paper but also through my video blog which I will be launching soon on You Tube and linking here.   Make it a great day and do yourself a favor,  make up your mind to know your happy and while you are at it, clap your hands.

Your Kiss is on My List

“My list of the best things in life”  includes music that puts a smile on your face and makes you feel good all over.  Like my Blog post “Don’t Worry Baby”, music is great therapy and hearing the Hall and Oates classic “Your Kiss is on My List” immediately brought me back to the early days of dating my wife ( 30 years of marriage, and 35 years of dating).  Not only did it bring me back to the early years of my relationship with my wife but it also made it clear to me that we are constantly creating our own experiences in life.  And what may seem a simple coincidence is actually much more.

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner.   Whether you call it Synchronicity or coincidence, I believe it all happens for a meaningful reason and it is up to you to figure out what the synchronicity in your life means.  So where am I going with Hall and Oates and Synchronicity ?  Well, something very interesting has been happening to me since I started writing this blog, meaningful and fulfilling synchronicity is started to appear daily, I am getting back into the zone where I was completely in control of my life and able to create things almost exactly as I wanted.  Miracles both large and small have started to happen but most importantly, friends, family and random people who have found my blog have started to have similar experiences.  I received an urgent text today from a business associate who has been reading my blogs who wanted to let me know what a great day she had and how everything was falling into place as she visualized it.  Now I know this particular person is very spiritual, has incredible faith, an awesome attitude and likes to read things like “The Secret” and similar works.  So she is understands the whole “knowing” thing that was the reason I started writing this blog in the first place.   What was really cool for me was that she created her day the way she always knew she could but she took the time to share her experience with me.   Her sharing of her experience today sent a positive shock through my body of knowing we can all create exactly the lives we want and that thought (good or bad) is contagious.  

Hall and Oates, what role do they play in today’s post ?  That’s another fun story I would like to share with you today because it is a great example of the incredible sychronicities in my life.   A few months back while searching Facebook for old friends, neighbors and business associates, I ran across Bren.  Bren or Brenda as I knew her back in the 60’s and 70’s was the cute Blonde from across the street in the neighborhood I grew up in.  Bren was a year younger than me but I had a crush on her during my entire elementary school experience.   Back then,  and I suppose at that age, you never hung around with girls in a grade below you and besides I never thought she had any interest in me.  But I always had that crush and anytime I had the chance to give her a ride on my Schwinn Apple Crate bike, I always was happy.   Well it turns out that Bren is a huge Hall and Oates fan, which was interesting because my wife when I started dating her in 1975  was also a huge Hall and Oates fan.  I have enjoyed Hall and Oates ever since my wife first played “She’s gone” for me from the “Abandoned Luncheonette” album.   So last week, I am checking out the news feed on Facebook and Bren posts that Hall and Oates are going to be in town and she wants to know who’s going with her ?.  I jokingly, immediately posted that I was going.  I really wanted to go but couldn’t justify spending the money at the moment.   So after posting my reply, I forgot about it, then late last week Bren sends me a message telling me that she has two extra tickets that my wife and I could have.   Wow,   I couldn’t believe the offer so I told Bren I just had to check with my wife to confirm.  Saturday rolls around and I tell my wife about Bren and the tickets, she was thrilled, so I immediately confirmed with Bren.  Now that was all incredible and fun but listen to this,  so my wife and I decide to go to a movie that afternoon, we decided to see “You Again” with Jamie Leigh Curtis.  Now, we decided to got to this movie just minutes after I confirmed with Bren about going with her to the Hall and Oates concert.  My wife and I really knew nothing about the movie except that Jamie Leigh Curtis  was in it.   So we are sitting in the  theater, eating a HUGE bucket of buttered popcorn when all of a sudden the couple in the movie are playing the Hall and Oates song “Your Kiss is on My List” on the radio, now that may seem like just a funny coincidence to you but to me it was synchronicity and a reminder to me that I played a role in the events that had just been created.  Even better, at the end of the movie and rolling into the credits, Hall and Oates and the cast of the movie sang “Your Kiss is on My List”.   While I always enjoyed that song, I never remembered the lyrics including the line “The Best Things in Life”, when I heard that, I knew the Universe was sending me yet another message about why happiness is the key to everything and when you know the outcome of your life, you can’t help but be happy.

You can have all of the Best Things In Life, you know you can, you just have to visualize your list of the best things and sit back and watch them show up.  I am adding something to my list of the best things in life, getting everyone to know they can create incredible experiences in their lives.  I know you can do it and I know that in my life, cancelling out the media has had a major impact and changed the way things are going for me.  I no longer listen to  or watch  any of the major news networks including my favorite Fox news, I don’t pay attention to the political nonsense going on in this country (I do intend to vote and I know my intuition will guide me to the right candidates),   I have turned off talk radio in favor of audio programs from Wayne Dyer, Mike Dooley and Joe Vitale.  Yes you could say I am brainwashing myself with positive, fulfilling and uplifting messages, and yes the brainwashing is working, I am washing out all the dirt and replacing it with clean new information.  I hope you will join me in creating incredible life experiences and if you get a chance, a text message, blog comment or email would be great, I love to hear about people and the great experiences they have created for themselves.  Get to work on your list of the “Best things in life” and make your life the best !

Thinking Big in Broken Bow !

American Legion Baseball

Image via Wikipedia


My first job after college and Broadcasting school was at KCNI Radio in Broken Bow, Nebraska.  I was so eager to start working in radio that I took the first job I was offered which just happened to mean I would have to move from the big city to tiny Broken Bow.  I was very excited about the job because I was going to get to do everything at this station, I was the morning announcer, the sales manager, the production manager, the chief engineer and weekend janitor.  I took on all these jobs for a whopping $ 400 per month plus 10% commission on every ad I could sell for the radio station.  On top of the jobs at the radio station, the local American Legion found out that I had played baseball in college and I was immediately recruited to coach the Broken Bow American Legion Baseball team which was a big deal for this town.   I don’t think I could have had a better situation, I not only was thrilled to be working in radio but coaching the Legion team gave me the opportunity to keep my baseball dream alive, I even took batting practice with the team to keep my hitting skills sharp. 

Living in Broken Bow was the first time I had ever lived away from home, but even though I was never able to find a nice place to live, everything was offset by my new career and the opportunity to coach the baseball team.  I was having so much fun that I didn’t even think about how little money I was making even though I was engaged and scheduled to be married in less than a year back in Minnesota.   My fiance and my mother would come to visit me once a month and my fiance made it very clear to me that there was no way she would ever move to Broken Bow, so I had a little situation on my hands and wasn’t quite sure what to do because even though I loved my job and coaching, my future wife meant even more to me. 

Because of my limited funds, I used to live on what ever was on sale at the grocery store, I remember eating nothing but baked beans for a week because they had been the feature item at the store.  Once a month though I would treat myself to an afternoon in Grand Island, which was the closest large city that had a McDonald’s, a movie theater and a mall.  My once a month afternoon treat consisted of going to lunch at McDonald’s (pretty great stuff when you are stuck in a town without McDonald’s), then I would go to the bargain matinée at the theater and finally would spend an hour or so at the book store at the mall looking at baseball books.  One day while looking through the baseball books I came across a book that had been misplaced with the baseball books, the book’s title was “The Magic of Thinking Big”, I remember looking at the book and telling myself I had to take my last $3 and purchase the book.  The Magic of Thinking Big was the first true personal development book I had ever purchased.   I took it back to Broken Bow that evening and I read it cover to cover, twice before going back to work on Monday morning.  This book opened my eyes to so many new possibilities that I had never thought of.  Before reading the book, I thought I would spend my entire life working for this little radio station in Broken Bow, after reading it I had made up my mind to improve my skills and find a way to get a better job in a more desirable location.  

Within weeks, I was actively Thinking Big and looking for a new opportunity, then I got the call from Brown Institute that a job had opened up in Belle Fourche, SD which was right on the edge of the Black Hills.  The job paid twice as much and in addition to my regular on-air duties I would also be the new color announcer for all of the High School and College basketball games broadcast by the station.  By the time you figured in my sports announcing duties, my salary was going to be more than 4 times what I was making in Broken Bow and on top of that my bride to be loved the Black Hills.  Let me give you a little time line, I started at the station in Broken Bow in May of 1979, in August fo 1979 I read the Magic of Thinking Big and by October 1, 1979 I had moved to Spearfish, SD, had a great new apartment just blocks from the campus of Black Hills State College and I was making almost 5 times as much working at a radio station filled with Brown graduates, including many from Minnesota, most in my age group and they all were either recently married or engaged.  It was a fun station, I was working with great people and my bride to be was thrilled with the idea of moving to Spearfish. 

I know that was kind of a silly little story but I hope what it illustrated is how important our mental programming is and how easy it is to do great things when you change your programming.  Like I said, I was totally content with my Broken Bow job because I didn’t know there was something better out there for me.  But once I read that book and started thinking Big,  incredible possibilities appeared almost by magic and my life improved dramatically in just a few months.  It really was from that point forward that I started investing almost every extra penny I had in books and tapes that would help me be more successful.  You know what ?  the stuff really works but you have to keep at it and make personal development a life long habit.   The mistake I made along the way was forgetting about my personal development once I achieved my biggest and most unbelievable goals.  When I stopped focusing on my personal development in 2001, it started a 9 year descent that ultimately took me to the bottom.  And it took hitting rock bottom for me to figure out why, but it is so clear to me now that I have been able to really dig in and refocus my efforts on my personal development habits.  In just the short time I have been really focused I have had some truly amazing opportunities appear magically, I have had money show up that was unexpected both in my mail box and also handed directly to me in a parking lot by a friend who for no reason whatsoever handed me $200 (2 clean ,crisp $100 bills) and told me to get some gas and take my wife to dinner.  The piece that is truly amazing is that this money started showing up when I started writing my life scripts on paper, praying for at least 20 minutes a day and listening to nothing but personal development CDs in my car (no talk radio to get me bummed out about the economy or our elected officials).  Thinking Big, focusing positive energy on what you want for your life and making prayer  a habit will yield some amazing results as long as you know in your heart that it works.  Knowing is the most important piece of the puzzle, it is not enough to merely believe you must “know” that your situation is going to improve and know that you are going to achieve all of your goals or something better. 

So whether you are in Broken Bow, Nebraska or Key West, Florida you can create the life you have always wanted, you just having to take the leap from “wanting” to “knowing”you can have it and amazing things will start to appear in you life.