Posts Tagged ‘Philosophy’

Change the Way You Feel About Things and the Way You Feel Will Change

Angry Talk (Comic Style)

Image via Wikipedia

How would you feel if over the course of two days, you poured your heart and soul into writing a piece for your blog that you thought could really help people improve the way they feel in their lives, only to accidentally lean on the alt key on your keyboard and have the whole two days worth of work vanish from your screen forever ?  I have to be honest, when this happened to me this morning my first thought was not a good one, but I quickly glanced up, read the title on my screen and took my advice.  Funny thing, the 1500 words in the body of the blog post had disappeared but the title stayed intact.  I guess it was the Universe testing me yet again.

The way we think and feel about things has a direct impact not only on how things look to us  but how we ultimately feel.  One of my favorite Wayne Dyer quotes is “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at Change”, nothing could be more true.  But as I thought about it, the same could be said for the way we feel about things,  If you change the way you feel about things or events in your life, the way you feel will change.   When I lost my 1500 word blog post this morning, I could have felt terrible about losing all that work, instead I chose to feel like there was a positive reason for losing that work.  Had I chosen to feel terrible, I could have spent the whole day angry, upset and taking out my feelings on the world instead, I feel great, I figured out a way to prevent losing work like that in the future and I am taking a different, more refined approach to getting my real message across to you in this version 2.0 of this blog post.

All of us can feel great 100% of the time, it’s a choice we make as each of us are totally responsible for the lives we create.  I have seen great days turn into lousy days just because a friend or family member chose to feel angry about something that was totally a waste of time.   Road Rage in particular is one of those things,  whether I am riding with people, listening to people on cell phones or driving myself it never fails that when someone else does something stupid on the road, it causes most people to get angry, and that anger usually burns up a good hour or two of what could have been fun and happy time.  I used to be incredibly guilty of the road rage thing, so much so that I would not only get angry, I would transform into a stalker who had to show that person how wrong they were for their lousy driving decision.  Today, I keep in my mind, another Wayne Dyer quote that I repeat to myself as I take an extra breath when these situations on the road happen  “When faced with being right or kind always choose kindness”.  Repeating that quote to yourself and choosing kindness makes you feel totally different then choosing “Right and Anger“.

The way you feel and this “KNOWING” thing I always talk about.  Think about times in your life when you were uncertain about something, you were anxious, stressed, worried and maybe even feeling a little sick not knowing what the outcome would be.  Then think about times in your life when you knew the outcome of something was going to be exactly what you expected, you were happy, satisfied, joyful and confident.   Now think about how you would rather feel, Happy or anxious, Satisfied or stressed, Joyful or worried.  Think the choice is easy, and everyday you are faced with that same choice, only you can decide how you feel, no one else can make you feel sad, it is your reaction to what someone else has said or done that makes you sad or happy.  You are in complete control, and once you  absolutely “KNOW”  you are in complete control, you never have reason to not feel great 100% of the time.

Over the past 5 years when I lost my way from always “KNOWING” to questioning whether I could do it, my health suffered, my family suffered, I suffered, I wasn’t happy and I thought that what was happening in my world was making me unhappy.    But, I was creating my world and was choosing to feel unhappy about what I created.   For the first 46 years of my life, I was very good at creating exactly what I wanted and the only time I didn’t feel great was when I slipped up and thought the wrong way.  Let me give you a little insight into what I am talking about.  Throughout my life I have constantly heard people talk about me as being lucky, always being in the right place at the right time, that everything I touched turned to gold.   When I heard those things, I always told myself those people were right but I knew that I was creating my luck, and everything that went with it by choosing the right thoughts.  When I slipped into the dark days of the past 5 years,   I started thinking that maybe it was just luck and that my luck couldn’t continue since things had been so good.  I would sit through meetings with people who would tell me that I am too positive, too optimistic and that I have to be honest with myself, that I have to get real.  I started to believe those people and what they were saying for no good reason.  After all, my life went just as I had planned it for the first 46 years, it wasn’t until I started listening to people tell me that I wasn’t who I thought I was that things changed.    The most important thing to understand is that the people who told me these things weren’t responsible for my downfall nor do I believe they had any ill intent, they just didn’t understand themselves the power of “KNOWING” that I had come to master over the prior 46 years.   I was completely responsible for the past 5 years, I created it and I own it.   The biggest and most valuable lesson to date in my life is realizing exactly what happened the last 5 years.  The Universe has its way of providing lessons and clues for you along the way, you just have to understand  and learn along the way.

Now that you know how to make yourself feel great all the time, why not give this “KNOWING” thing a try ?   Let’s do this together, as I mentioned in my last post, this stuff is contagious and it is fun when we can all share actual experiences with these life creation ideas.  I know I am going to have another incredible day, I know things are going to fall into place with several different projects I have in the works, I know I am going to lose some more weight today and feel even better than I did at 40 when I was in the best shape of my life.   What do you know ?  Get out a piece of paper and right down the things you know and see how you feel.  Change the way you feel about things, Know the things you feel good about are yours and the way you feel will change for the better.


Downtown LA's office skyscrapers. Including th...

Image via Wikipedia

Absolutely everything is possible if you can harness the power of your mind and put it to work for you. Choosing to always be happy no matter what the circumstances takes unbelievable discipline and personal mind control but it is possible and it can help you handle any challenge that comes your way.  After identifying the cause of my personal and business financial collapse of the last few years, I realized that in my 47 year run of creating exactly the life I wanted, I was always focused on the positive and for the most part always felt happy inside and out.  During the past few years when things started to go the wrong way,  I had people close to me asking me how I could be so happy with all the problems I faced, after a while, my personal mind control gave in and went to the dark side.  I started feeling sorry for myself, I started being sad and unhappy when people talked to me, I started feeling depressed, I started feeling stress and I started feeling overweight and sick.  Look at what I just wrote,  “I started feeling and being”  I did it ! nobody else did it, I made up my mind to feel bad and once I made up my mind that is exactly what I got, sadness, depression, stress and 50 extra pounds of FAT.  Guess what all that led to ?  Personal and business collapse !  I did it, not the economy, not the President or Congress, not the customer who didn’t pay (the customers paid until I changed the way I felt) I was totally responsible for creating the reality of the last few years directly as a result of my thoughts.

It has been a pretty good run since I woke up and realized what I was doing to myself.   I starting writing this blog, I started praying again several times a day, I started writing my life scripts and I started listening and reading 100% positive and productive information.  No more talk radio, mainstream media, newspapers or ridiculous reality shows, all I choose to fill my mind with is positive thoughts.  I can tell you that so far things were really starting to work well, I lost 16 pounds in about 6 weeks, money started showing up in my life in strange places and in strange ways (mostly unexpected, I take that back, I started to expect money to show up and it has),  I added a second full-time job that won’t conflict with my primary full-time job and overall what seemed like an impossible situation a few months ago has dramatically turned around.  Until yesterday, when worry crept back into my mind, I couldn’t figure out why I had feelings of worry and depression yesterday and the more I thought about it the worse I felt.  I went to bed last night for the first time in months not feeling the way I had been during this turnaround.  I woke up this morning and it hit me,  I had let my self-discipline slip, I hadn’t listened to positive input over the weekend, I listened to some negative talk radio, Sunday morning news shows and let some people close to me have their way with trying to get me to feel bad.  On my walk with my dog Flash this morning, I realized that I need to step things up, I need to shut out even more negative and unproductive input and I have to practice thinking positive and happy thoughts again.  I have to feel good and only I can do it.

I thought the best way to keep steady with anything is to have a system so during my walk this morning, Flash and I came up with a system to keep me on track. I am calling my new system, DIWIRIVILIGI,  Dream it, Write it, Read it, Visualize it, Live it, Get it !  those are the steps you need to do everyday to make sure you are creating exactly the life you want.  I know, all that stuff we learned in school is coming back to haunt you, unless you have 100% mastered feeling incredible 100% of the time, you must have a way to remind yourself of what you want and then you have to drill it into your head to keep it active.  This system is what I have personally been doing for the last few months, I have been dreaming about what I want for my life, writing it in a script that I email myself everyday, I read what I wrote to myself, visualize myself doing and having what I wrote, live like I have it and then get what I want when it shows up.   I can tell you that I haven’t been as disciplined with this as I need to be but even so, I can see things showing up on a daily basis that I wrote in my scripts just a couple of months ago.

I am making a commitment to myself to create exactly the life I want moving forward using my system that I have just outlined for you.  I am also adding a couple of modules to my system this week, RI, HI, DI  that would be “Record it, Hear it and Do it”  In addition to my primary system, I am going to record my scripts into a digital recorder, put them on a CD and listen to them everyday along with my other positive input.  I want to engage all the senses in creating an incredible life, I just need to figure out how to smell happiness now !

One of the coolest things I discovered over the past couple months is a web site called TUTs Adventurers Club , if you go to this site you can sign up to receive “notes from the Universe via email”  They show up in the middle of the night and these emails are the first thing I read each morning.  It has been amazing to me to wake up, read the Universe’s email and see how closely it coincides with what I was actually thinking.  Here’s the email I received this morning:


If there’s something you want, Tim, anything at all, or if there’s something you need, no matter what it is, or if there’s something you’d like to change, please remember that all the bells and whistles of time and space were first hewn and blown in the windmills of one’s mind, long before they were ever dung or heard by hands and ears.

Whatever you dream of, live it, live it now, as fully as possible, to whatever degree you can, in your thoughts, words, and deeds. And sure enough, as day follows night, as rains fall from pregnant clouds, and as melodies float from bells and whistles, your dream will come to pass. 

It’s a sure thing,
    The Universe

Thoughts become things… choose the good ones! ®
© ®

I know, I know, Tim. Dung should be “rung.” But “dung” just kind of wrote itself… and made me laugh. 

It is really fun getting these daily emails, kind of sets the tone for the day.  So today, take responsibility for creating exactly what you want in your life, it’s up to you, whether it’s up or down you have created it.